How does video work in a book? That was the initial question starting the design for a artist book for Elke Dreier. A sequence of video stills isn't really meaningful and was out of question. We turned it into: What can a book do which film can't do?
It allows browsing. You can leaf through it, turn its pages. The book creates a space in which associations can prosper. Together with the artist we decided to fill her book with fragments, sketches and texts from her archive in addition to excerpts from her latest work. Thereby context and connections unlock.
One of the subjects Dreier works on is nonverbal communication. The font ›GT Haptik‹ offered the ideal typographic addition to this aspect since it was designed by Reto Moser and Tobias Rechsteiner specifically with blind perception and not with purely visual considerations in mind. Its unique character together with the airy layout, the uncoated paper and the numerous small accession numbers determine the book design.