since 2004
»Everything looks great nowadays.« —Otl Aicher (Designer) aus »The World as Design«, Ernst und Sohn, 1991
And everything's got a logo. Online logo libraries and logo design for $10 make it possible. But you can't actually get a readymade logo that's any good. It has to fit like a good suit–bespoke and timeless at best. At least it will be a steady companion for many years. A logo just doesn't have to fit, it has to accomplish a lot of things as a kind of concentrated company profile. Whether it contains letters or images, it should be reproducible monochrome, it should be scalable, readable and functional in web and in print. And it sure would be lovely if it could be understood on its own while being as simple as possible. Kurt Weidemann writes:
»You've got a good logo when you can scratch it into the sand with your big toe.«
Nothing easier than that.