»... I'm holding my breath in anticipation of this night.«
—bathos, dubstepforum.com
»... it was boiling, literally.«
—fjaker, last.fm
»... Berlin's most important party regarding the future of urban music.«
—ju, incom.org

2009 – 2010
—Dr. David Bowman, from »2001: A Space Odyssey«, Hutchinson, 1968
Urban beats, (afro-)futurism galore and a defiant DIY esthetic came together quite nicely in 2009/2010, resulting in a series of stand-out nights in Berlin/Neukölln. Artists as well as guest appreciated the exquisite international booking, lovingly crafted visuals and the special magic of these evenings.
In 2010 we were guests at ›MA 1.2‹ of the Wuppertaler Galerie at the Kolkmannhaus with Sirius, Dimlite and Kuedo. For this occasion we created a ›Blackbox‹ connecting live drawings to digital image material. In addition to these live visuals we showed artworks and played Sirius' favorite records.
Sirius were: Roland Miller, Dirk Koglin, Daniel Schneider, Dominik Schilling, Florian Graßl and Jamie Teasdale
Animation: Roland Miller
Fotos Sirius: Claire, Markus Kalischek
Blackbox: Florian Graßl, Roland Miller
Livesketching: Daniel Schneider
Fotos MA 1.2: René Omenzetter
»... I'm holding my breath in anticipation of this night.«
—bathos, dubstepforum.com
»... it was boiling, literally.«
—fjaker, last.fm
»... Berlin's most important party regarding the future of urban music.«
—ju, incom.org