since 2004
–Stardust, Roulé, 1998
The second great love. If it can't be graphic design, it would be music for sure. Somewhere in between high- and sub culture we performed and organized concerts and DJ sets and ran the experimental label ›Moonboots Records‹. However, there did eventually come a point when we realized that from then on we'd better focus on graphics and design.
But our love for music remains. Of course it does. Over the years we have created illustrations and artworks for labels and musicians hailing from Berlin, London, Bristol, Cardiff, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Kiev and Siberia.
We've done vinyl, CD and mp3 artworks. We've also designed numerous posters, flyers and live visuals equally suitable for the small, the large and the great nights out. There's ›BLNRB Berlin / Nairobi‹, for example, at the HKW Berlin (together with the Goethe Institut Nairobi) and ›Barefoot Skank‹ at the legendary WMF in Berlin.
›Astro:Dynamics‹ and ›BLNRB‹ with Roland Miller / Guangzhou
›Barefoot Skank‹ with Sirius